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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Write Ups and Procedures

Today was a great day in class.

Students took time to write the procedural steps for how to assemble a S'more. (Yes, ...lol.... this is science.) Thirty-four chocolate bars later, we had supplies to dispose of and students were ever so happy to PROPERLY get rid of them...lol. (Crunch, crunch)

By understanding how to put your thoughts and actions in to words, students will be able to better communicate what they are observing during experiments and while constructing their roller coasters.

Improving on communication skills will also benefit students when they join the work force. Employers want individuals to be able to communicate.

I am so proud of my students!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Roller Coasters!

23 days until your projects are due! How far along are you completing this project? You should have purchased your supplies and built the first two hills of your project. Remember that each hill must be shorter than the preceding hill.

I am looking forward to being able to show off your work to other students and teachers!!

You're awesome!

Ms. Spellman

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My New Blog Page

Good evening!

Due to the district site being down for maintenance at times and in an effort to be able to keep my page more regularly updated, I will be using this format.

Sign up so that you may respond to my page, there by allowing me to answer questions.

I'll give this a whirl and see if this is a good idea to keep or recycle.

Ms. Spellman