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Friday, June 25, 2010

The First Week of Summer

How is your summer progressing? Have you gone for a walk? Been to the park? Have you ridden your bike, rode a roller coaster or played at the beach? Every item that I just mentioned is science on a daily basis.

You have used voluntary and involuntary muscles; experienced kinetic and potential energy; and viewed many forms of energy.

Science is all around you.

I hope that you are having a relaxing summer now that the orbital object in the sky (sun) has decided to join us.

Monday, June 21, 2010

School's Out....

...but don't forget what you've learned. It is important that you retain the skills that you learned this year while performing labs and completing class projects like your roller coaster.

I hope that you have a great summer of growth so that next year is a successful time.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Final Phase

We're in the home stretch! Less than a week and students will break for the doors and experience summer.

Here are the final assignments we will be working on:
  • 6/8 Crawfish dissections
  • 6/9 Plant or animal cell drawing
  • 6/10 Last day to turn in work
  • 6/11 Cell model due (See reminder pictures)
  • 6/14 Field Day
  • 6/15 WOO HOO!! (School's out)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Remember Those That Serve

Thank you.

Two simple words
that convey so much
and yet at times
doesn't seem to communicate
the depth of eternal gratitude
for the sacrifices made.
You've sacrificed much for many,
those that you know
and those that will never know you.

You have willingly changed your life
for the benefit of the country
so that it may continue flourishing,
as the founding fathers had envisioned.

Know that there isn't a day that goes by
that I am not constantly reminded,
when I see the flag,
when I wake up to decide my own future,
when I vote and voice my opinion ....
that I thank God for those
who have given all and departed this Earth
and for those who live.

There is no way that we can repay you.

May God bless you,
...... thank you.

~Kari Spellman
(C) May 31, 2010