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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh no! Not Kermit the Frog!

For those that are interested to know what a frog looks like on the inside but don't want to dissect the frog, you may visit the virtual dissection websites.


Student grades are graded based upon participation, such as observations, asking questions, etc. Respect for the once living animal is expected. This is an opportunity to learn about nature and yourself.

Wetlands Visit, Dissections & Library Books

We have a full week ahead of us! Make sure that you are ready for action, packed days.
Wednesday    (5/30/12)
We will make another trek to the wetlands to see what changes have occurred since our last visit. The ground has had time to dry out since the last bit of precipitation fell last Thursday, so we don't need to worry about muddy shoes.

Thursday   (5/31/12)
Remember what team you were placed during class on Tuesday. Review the materials list that you wrote in your spiral on page 122, along with the frog picture identifying the internal parts that we will locate.

Time is limited, therefore it is important that you pay attention.

Friday   (6/1/12)
ALL library books are to be returned to school. If you do not return the books, you will soon receive a bill charging you for lost/not returned books, which will impede your ability to receive your yearbook on
Tuesday (6/12/12).

As we draw near the end of the school year, make sure that all missing/incomplete work is turned in
by June 1, 2012.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We used the wetlands as an outdoors lab to test the transpiration process of plants.

We bagged portions of various plants to see how much water vapor we could collect during a 24 hour period. Some students gathered quite a bit, and others not as much.

 Students were amazed that plants could give off that much water vapor! I was too.  :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Locked Out!

Sorry about the hiatus, but I got locked out of my blogging page.   :(  Just enough to drive a teacher crazy this time of year.

So let's get caught up on what we've done since the middle of April.