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Friday, April 22, 2011

Science Expo at Willamette University

The turn out for the 3rd Annual Science Expo was great! There were six roller coasters from our class. It was easy to entice the visitors to try each one. Children were fascinated by them. Parents and teachers were in awe that sixth grade students made these awesome contraptions. ( I'm not surprised because my students are smart!!)

Create Your Own Video About Science!

1. Either work on your own or with a group of friends from your class or any other class.
2. Choose a science topic or school public announcement ("How to open your locker")  that you would like to make a short two minute video.
3. Using a story board paper, draw a picture for each cell. Then write a script for each cell BEFORE you start making your video. (See below)
4.Use Voice Thread, You Tube, Yodio or some other venue to create your video. The following link will take you to a quick video at Voice Thread. Follow the following steps.
5. Watch your video a couple times to look for errors and then submit the final product.
6. Have fun!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Write Ups!

Roller coaster write ups are now due. You may either print out your word document, e-mail it to me, or electronically submit it to the class folder using the R: drive at school.

The last work day is April 14 from 3:00PM - 5:00PM in my classroom. You will have access to the library laptops in my room.

Keep going towards the finish line!