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Monday, February 24, 2014

Super Volcano?

What is a super volcano?

National Geographic has an article about Yellowstone National Park, explaining a fear that geologists have about a volcanic eruption of the largest kind.

What do you think? Could it happen? How could we reduce the destruction from such an eruption?

Here is a recent story from CBS.

Are there any other supervolcanoes? Yes. There is one in Sumatra called Mt Toba.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

North High School Website

Take the time to scout about through the website for North High School before you enroll there in the fall. Learn about what activities are available for you. Try new sports/activities and find out what gifts & talents you have that you didn't know you could do. Become familiar with where to find information. You will be referencing this page for YEARS to come!

"Plans are nothing; planning is everything."

Dwight Eisenhower

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Start Reviewing For State Testing

We are going to start reviewing various Study Jams, with the hopes that we can be as best prepared as possible for state testing that will beginning on April 2, 2014.

Your future is your own choosing, so choose wisely.

Let's begin....

Tsunami 2004

We have finished watching the video(s) about the tsunami occurred during December 2004. There are many life lessons to be learned from this sad event.

Always be observant of your surroundings. Don't take for granted what you have today, because it can easily be gone tomorrow.


Scheduling Class for Fall 2014 / Open House

Today students selected their classes for the first year of high school. Classes will not be confirmed until parents sign the forecasting paper. This paper that students filled out is being held at North High School.

North is hosting an open house next Tuesday (2/25) from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Go and meet your teachers for next year. Find out what you will be doing in the classes you selected. This is a great opportunity to ask now what to expect for the school year.

PARENTS: Your signature is required on the blue slip (class forecasting) before your child's selections will be finalized.

You are being to select your future. Choose classes that will open doors of opportunity for you. :)

Spring Break Quake 1993

Oregon is NOT immune to earthquakes. On March 25, 1993, Oregon registered a 5.6 magnitude earthquake (Mercalli intensity scale) that occurred at 5:34 AM. It was given the title "Scotts Mills". Visit this page to read more information about it. It happened as a result of a reverse fault that is referred to  in this article or with pictures and greater detail in this article.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

State Testing & Earbuds

On Wednesday (2/5) and (2/12), we will be meeting out in the portables, room 132. Please remember to bring your earbuds with you, since not all of the headsets are in working condition.

During class, you will be:
1. Practicing logging on to the computers to ensure that your U/P are correct.
2. Using the program "Study Jams" to prep you for the upcoming state test that covers three years of testing material from 6th, 7th and to present day.

Visit Mr. Law's page for the various sections to be reviewed. Visit these pages as many times as possible prior to our testing in April so that you are prepared. Do not wait to the last minute to start reviewing. You will only be able to retain so much information if you attempt to cram information in at the last minute.