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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No School Monday

The first semester of the school year is over as of Friday. Monday, students do NOT attend classes so that teachers may input grades.

Tuesday when students arrive at school, they will pick up their second semester schedule in the gym BEFORE going to their lockers and first period class.

Take this new semester to implement new study habits and work for even higher grades than you achieved last term. You CAN do it! I have total faith in you.

"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them." ~ Albert Einstein

 Hatfield Wilderness

Monday, January 24, 2011

Living Wise

Students are to complete the following activities in their student workbook: Activity A - G, with the exception of F.

We are learning how to become wise consumers by reducing energy and water usage as well as reducing monthly bills. As stated in class, it is not required for the water reduction shower head or kitchen aerator to be installed. What is important is that students understand how much water and energy they are using.

I hope that this informative kit is helpful, especially considering these stressful financial times.

After School Movie

As a reward for good behavior when I've had a substitute, students are welcome to come to my room from 3:00PM to 4:30PM to watch "A Series of Unfortunate Events".

It is each student's responsibility to have arranged with parents regarding their transportation home.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Living Wise Energy Unit: Being A Good Steward

We've learned about the various forms of energy, so now let's learn how to use it wisely as consumers. Some day soon, you will be out on your own, being responsible for paying your utility bills. It's important that you understand how to reduce the amount of energy and water that is used on a daily basis, and just how that will effect you bank account.

Today, you will be sent home with a kit for you to keep. YES! You get to keep the whole kit. The box holds a thermometer, shower head, sink aerator, two different CFL light bulbs, water bag to estimate water usage, Telon tape plus a booklet of coupons.

Each night, you will have homework that will be explained in class and performed by you at home.

Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it.
~ Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Semester Grades: Coming Soon!

There are now only TWO... yes TWO weeks left before grades are submitted for the first semester. Remember that it always make a difference to turn in missing work. You'll lose some points for being late, BUT it will help your grade.

If you need to take a test, make test corrections or get your spiral caught up .....NOW IS THE TIME! I'll be after school Tuesday (18) and Thursday (20) until 5PM. It is your responsibility to make arrangements with your parents.

The last day to turn in ANY missing work will be Friday (21).

See you then.

Science Fair

 Science Fair! A huge success!

There were almost 80 students from our class 
that submitted egg drop containers. Fifteen students 
submitted science experiments for judging. 

(From our class)
6th Grade Honorable Mention Ribbon

Aaron Bobbit 
for Measuring Surface Tension

 6th Grade Medal 

Felicity Schroeder for Rubber Bands

We have a great video clip from 
our fair in January 2009 
with Nick as the star of the video.

I am very proud of the work that everyone did!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

They're Here!

Lego Robotics will now be selling retractable badge holders after school in my room. Aren't they cool??!!
They are $2.00. The money raised will help to pay for our registration fees for next years competition with FLL (First Lego League).

Our next fund raiser is already in the works. Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Magnetic Field

Perfect timing!

We are just starting our new section about magnetism and it's been reported that the Earth's magnetic north pole is on the move.

  • If the pole is moving at a rate of 40 miles per year, then how many feet per day is it creeping towards Russia?
  • Is this the fastest rate at which the pole has traveled in one year? 
  • What is the slowest? 
  • If the rate at which the pole moves varies from fast to slow, what is causing it to vary its speed? 
At what location on the globe do all points point north?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Energy Test

Tomorrow we will be taking a test on energy: what is it; forms; transformation/conservation; energy and fossil fuels. Study your notes. All you will need is a pencil and your classroom spiral.

Be prepared!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome back!

                                 ~Mother Goose and Grimm
The year is off to a whiz- bang start with a fire alarm first thing. What a crazy way to start off the new year! I'm glad to see you.

This is a perfect time to remember the upcoming projects, assignments and events.
  • Your Periodic Tables were due before break. 
  • Your science fair or egg drop containers are due by Friday. 
  • Semester grades go out in four weeks. Get ALL work for EVERY class turned in. It always makes a difference.
If you need help with missing assignments or projects, I am available after school.

After school activities will start January 10, 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


We are now moving in to a new section about energy. By the end of the week you will be able to explain the six different forms of energy discussed in readings and lab: nuclear, electrical, electromagnetic, thermal, chemical, and mechanical.

How many forms of energy did you use today?

Time to get rolling!

Science Fair projects are due in five days. Yup! Five days. As soon as your tri-fold or egg drop container is complete, bring it in.

If you didn't complete your Periodic Table chart, you have been registered for O.T.I. Expect to receive the notice soon in your first period class.